An Old Love Revisited

Hello friends,

It’s been a minute. So many changes here on the island - Vancouver Island currently. We are in the planning stages to build on our new property on a little island further south. If this feels confusing, I understand. So many islands…

And there have been some big changes since we last connected.

As many of you know I have paused my work with clay as I no longer have a studio to work in. It’s given me the opportunity to pick up my camera and allowed me to begin making work that I’m really proud of. Last month I went to a photography retreat in the desert along with a number of really inspiring photographers from around the world. I learned a lot and was inspired to push myself outside of my comfort zone in certain areas of my photography.

At home I’ve been making photos for creatives who do beautiful work and I’ve loved telling their stories through photographs. I’m hoping to expand on that and work with more brands looking for editorial images to help them share their own stories with their customers. I believe there is so much value in connecting with the people who support your business. Allowing them to know you and understand your company’s values creates brand loyalty which creates a stronger relationship. If you or someone you know are looking for help telling your own story I’d love to connect. Feel free to reach out at


…a personal project

Making Home


All of this change has me thinking about home.

I have moved 21 times in my life. It has ingrained a deep desire in me to create home. A place that feels familiar and welcoming and safe.

I come from people who always had pride in their home but for whom, with one exception, home was not too precious. And that one exception? Plastic on the living room furniture in one of my grandparents homes.

{Can I get a show of hands as to how many of you experienced the “plastic covered sofa”? If you haven’t sat on one, in shorts, in the middle of a humid midwest summer, with no air conditioning, you really haven’t lived… }

When I think of home I think of my grandparents’ house. It was the place I felt the most comfortable throughout my entire childhood. What I felt inside those walls was what I envision the feeling of home is meant to be.

Recently I’ve decided to work on a personal project with the focus on homes. I’m still working out the details as to what it will look like and I have no idea what I will do with it all in the end, but for me, it’s about the value I find in the process.

Part of that project is starting a series of discussions with a few friends whom I admire for their ability to create home. To start we will be hosting them on Instagram live. My hope is that, through these informal discussions between friends, you will feel inspired to look at your own home with fresh eyes.


Welcome to Birthday Month


Spring Brings Change