Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Drying Mud

There are so many fun projects on the horizon that I almost don’t know where to start. However, seeing as I had a really productive day in the studio I wanted to share some things that are coming along. The kiln is currently cooling down after a glaze fire and I’m looking forward to some tests that I did in hopes that they created a look that I want to add to my work. I’ve been focussing so much on my 2025 subscriptions as it feels like such a privilege, a group of people who so believed in me that they were willing to spend money not even knowing what I was sending them. I can’t wait to send out their first boxes of the year.

I’ve been diving into experimenting with glazes and oxides and - thanks to a local potter | mentor | friend- stains. Hopefully it will add a bit of interest and fun. Speaking of fun, I’ve been practicing more hand building and attaching some whimsey to basic forms. I’m feeling more confident about attaching things to my work, something that took me over six years to get comfortable with. {I dream of connections failing at the worst times}

I’ve also been learning so much in the class that I’m in as well as in the workshop that I took a few weeks back and I am integrating many of those lessons into some new collections. I’m hoping to broaden my work to really capture my vision of it. I love clean lines and simplicity but also, I love a little bit of a mess, something unexpected, imperfection here and there. So I’ve really been working on loosening up {thanks to my pottery teacher who has been doing pottery for 50 years} and letting my pottery be a bit more organic with how it forms on the wheel.

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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Embracing Winter in the New Year

Happy 2025 friends~

I find that I am beginning this year differently than I oftentimes do. Maybe it’s being settled in our new home,  surrounded by nature and the sea, a quiet place that feels peaceful. Part of my mind is filled with ideas of how I want this year to look for my pottery business. But the other part sees the value in feeling THIS season, acknowledging the short dark days, the cooler temperatures, the need for candles and warm sweaters. I’m attempting to embrace both of those parts and trying to find a way to let them work together.

One way to do that is working on a project at the house that involves hand building one of a kind pieces. I love being able to work at home, still creating but spending more time in our beautiful space and being able to simply glance up to watch the storms roll in or the ferry go by. I’ve got something that I’m so excited to share with you for this new year- more about that below.

I also find that I’m getting back to one of my great loves, cooking. I’ve started to pull out cookbooks, experimenting with things that I used to do regularly like making homemade pasta. I’ve baked more recently that I have in the past few years. Our simple kitchen inspires me, jars filling the shelves that I simply pull down when I need whatever’s in them. Everything’s within arms reach and we’ve lots of workspace when you take into account our long dining table which runs the length of the kitchen. I’ve missed the smell of something baking in the oven or noodles drying over a long dowel hung below the kitchen shelves.

In an attempt to read more this year I’m staring early and listening to the book Wintering by Katherine May. Have you read it? Sometimes I prefer the audiobook when the narrator’s voice inspires me almost as much as the words themselves. {am I the only one who talks to themself in a British accent after listening to the sound of it for an extended period of time?} I’m loving this book as it’s helping me see how I can embrace this season and see the beauty in the darkness. I’m learning about wintering around the world and seeing how different cultures navigate the short, dark, often cold days.


Now, for one of the things I’m most excited about as I look towards the coming year~

Over the last few months I’ve been considering how to better connect with my community that supports my pottery shop. The sales get crazy and while I love packaging up all of your parcels, I always find myself wishing I could take more time and make each one feel more like a gift from me to you. I think that gifting is one of my love languages and the idea of creating a special parcel for someone brings me so much joy. Along those lines, a friend had suggested offering a pottery subscription and I’ve been considering what that would look like. The more I think about it, the more excited I get. So, I’ve decided to give it a go. {one thing I’ve committed to this year is doing more of what makes me happy}

The Pottery Subscription

I’ve decided to offer a limited number of subscriptions this first year in hopes of being able to create an experience for each recipient that is exactly what I envision. I will be sending out a parcel THREE times over the year, filled with my favourite things that I’ve made. Some will be unique, some will be things that we use daily and can’t live without. While I can’t share exactly what will be in each season’s box, I can tell you that I will treat each box as if I’m sending a gift to someone I love. It could be a set of bowls to use daily, or a platter and small bowls for entertaining. It might be something whimsical or something useful. My hope is that when you open the box, you will feel spoiled and loved.

The cost of the subscription will include shipping so this offer is limited to most of Canada and the 48 contiguous states. If you are in Alaska, Hawaii, or Newfoundland please reach out if you are interested as I’m happy to include you but will need to charge extra for postage.

I will be offering only TWELVE subscriptions this first year. If it all goes as well, those twelve subscribers will have first dibs on next years Parcel Subscription. Subscribers will also get early access to all online sales in 2025.

The cost of the subscription will be $500 and will be available in the shop Tuesday January 14th at 9 am PST.   Please feel free to email me at with any questions. I’d love to be able to send you some truly special boxes this year~

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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Are you ready for a shop opening??

Hello friends~

After a two year hiatus the online shop is back! I’m really excited to share what I’ve been working on these past months in my studio space on our new island. I’m not sure I’ve ever loved what’s coming out of the kiln as much as I do these days. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I’ve actually kept a few pieces for our new home as I’m really looking forward to entertaining again and these pieces lend to tables filled with food, surrounded by loved ones.

I will be opening the shop this coming 

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 8 am PST

The shop will remain open until Monday afternoon and then will close again. As I’m new to hosting both an online shop and a brick and mortar storefront I have decided to close the island shop while the online one is open. Thus my online shop will remain open for two days and then close again while I package and ship your pieces. 

This collection has truly been a labour of love. I’ve been working on these clay & glaze combinations for months and have finally found exactly what I was looking for. 

I have a creamy colour called Linen that is a warm grayish/white. Then there is the warmer colour- called Bone- that I am obsessed with right now. Both colours are mostly found on a darker clay body as the combination brings me feelings of rustic simplicity, days gone by, or your grandma mixing cookie dough or letting bread rise. I think my Gram would have really liked them.

I’m also crazy about stacking these bowls together, mismatched and imperfect. I’m sure when our home is finished you will see a number of these combinations on our kitchen shelving. The combination above is the Linen Bowl with Foot inside Bone Bowl with Rim.  The set below is White Bowl inside Bone Bowl Two.  You will find them in the shop when it goes live. Have I mentioned how much I love the Bone glaze??

There are also a few vases left in the shop. I wish I could send the flowers along with the purchase of a vase as I did at the Grand Opening of my storefront. The colourful bouquets worked so well in my neutral stoneware vases.

And if you are looking for small pots and trays for your houseplants or for herbs kept near your kitchen, these unglazed sets are perfect. They come in a few sizes and I’ve got a couple planted above the sink at our camper.  There are also a couple glazed sets that will be available.

I’ve also been using the Linen glaze on a new white clay and am really happy with the results. It’s a bit brighter than my other more matte glaze and while I like both, I think I’m leaning more towards a bit of shine.

These last wee vessels might be some of my favourites. That’s because when I look at them I see them filled with marcona almonds or olives or any number of dips. Maybe sprinkles for cookie decorating parties during the holidays. Or salad toppings at a dinner with friends or family. And with those filled bowls I imagine inviting people into our yet-to-be-completed new home, which brings me so much joy and excitement.


A Note on Shipping

As many of you know, shipping from Canada is expensive. If you are from the states it can come as a shock (but please remember all prices are in CDN dollars so check the exchange). There’s no way around it- shipping larger boxes to accommodate the packaging needed to get your pieces to you intact drives the cost of postage up. And I won’t compromise on the safety of your pieces. 

I’m trying to find a way to make selling online more efficient and one thing that takes a LOT of time is calculating the cost of shipping for various parts of the US and Canada, while factoring in the weight and measurements of the parcels. Thus I’m going to try something new. I’ve set up shipping for this next update so that there is a flat fee of $22 per parcel. It will then add $5 per item to the cost of shipping. This should solve the issue of people purchasing multiple pieces and then the need to issue refunds due to significant overages. It will also save you a bit as shipping in the past began at about $34 a parcel. Hopefully it also allows you to figure out what shipping will be in advance rather than seeing it at check out. 

I know many of you already know this, but I love making pottery, so much. And what I love most about it is making things that I want for our own home- things I can imagine using in my kitchen. Those are the things I make to share with you. {although I have been tucking a few pieces away for us, like a couple of those wee bowls} They are the things that I love hearing about how you use them, seeing photos of them in your homes, and getting messages about the joy they bring you. So thank you for being a part of this creative journey with me. I’m grateful you’re here.

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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Settling Into Our New Life

Spring is here and with it sunshine, even if the breeze is chilly. I got a haircut today, maybe to celebrate all of the change that’s been happening around here. Cutting away the old or something like that. Nearly 8 inches gone and it feels good. I can also see more gray, all of which I am nurturing in hopes of them growing.

We are beginning to settle in to our new island while still going back and forth to the townhouse until it sells. I will admit I am absolutely loving our time in the camper when we’re here. It’s vintage (two years  younger than I am) and doesn’t have any modern conveniences but it’s charming and cozy and the view can’t be beat. I wake up as the sun rises and the wall next to my bed is all windows facing the water so it’s the first thing I see. These days I tend to stay under the quilts a bit longer as it’s still fairly chilly in the morning but eventually I make my way to our temporary kitchen to make coffee which goes into a carafe and comes back to bed with me. 

There is progress on the house as well. The house site is clear, the footings are in, the land around the house has been leveled for a yard, and just last week we had a small drive cut into the hillside down to the meadow. And watching each step completed fills me with an excitement I don’t think I've felt since childhood. After nearly two years of planning and dreaming, sketches and research and making lists, it’s finally all coming together right before our eyes. 

If you would like to follow along on this adventure you can join us on Instagram to see us build!


And then there’s the studio. After a year and a half away from making pottery and knowing we are a long way from a studio on our property, I decided that I needed to find a space to work in the interim. I was lucky to find something that will work well both for making and to welcome people in occasionally. It’s on the north end of our island (we live on the south end) quite near to a few of our favourite places to bring guests. I hope if you are ever here on Gabriola you will stop by~

I’m hoping to have a shop update in the next few weeks. I’m heading in today to mix glaze and then crossing everything that this first firing goes well. There are some great pieces on the shelves ready to go in. These pieces were all made in my last studio. They were bisque fired there and then packed away. It was interesting to pull them out as in the past two years I’ve been inspired to try new things. I’m looking forward to seeing how my work evolves in the coming months. I’m already working on some terra cotta pots with holes for my favourite plants~ maybe you need some too?

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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Welcome to Birthday Month


Because what’s better than a month celebrating how far we’ve come?

November is nearly here and with it some of my favourite things. I’ve been doing a lot of reading {and listening to podcasts and audio books} and I’m feeling inspired as I head into 53.



52 was the year of reading again. I actively sought out books that were outside of my usual comfort-read. I listened to and read quite a few. I enjoyed Joan Didion, Patti Smith, Tyler Merritt, and Maggie Smith to name a few. I bought some gorgeous books about photography and creating home. I listed to classic children’s books like Anne of Green Gables and The Velveteen Rabbit. There were autobiographies by Sally Mann, Brandi Carlisle, and Prince Harry. And then there was The Creative Act by Rick Rubin. Yes, I’m a bit late to the party but it really is living up to the hype. I bought the actual book as I wanted to be able to highlight it but then decided to ALSO get the audiobook as Rick narrates it and it’s the sort of book that the more you listen to it or read it, the more you learn. I feel like I’m getting twice the benefit this way. If you are a creative {and if you are breathing, you are a creative so let that be your bar…} this book will help you see the world differently. You will grow, your mind will expand, and you just may return to the sense of wonder that you had as a child, if you let yourself.



I love writing. I’ve always enjoyed it, as it seems like a suitable companion to photography. Plus, I always have so many thoughts going round in my mind that it seems a good way to get them out. Last November I decided to take part in NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month. It‘s a month-long event that gives writers a chance to be a part of a large group setting goals and cheering each other on. This will be my second year and I will be adding on to what I began last year. The official goal is to write a novel with 50,000 words. Ambitious and definitely not in my game plan. However, I love the act of writing each day of the month and seeing what I can accomplish. Check out their website and if you decide to try it for yourself let me know. I’d love to find an accountability partner.



I’ve spent quite a lot of time with my camera these past few months. I’ve made photos of artists and their work, couples, & seniors- including my own. {grade 12s for non-americans} I’ve also worked on some personal projects that I have had a lot of fun with. Thanks to inspiring books, podcasts and being more intentional about taking in art that inspires my own work I’ve stepped outside of my comfortable creative zone to capture things that have long resided inside my head, wanting to get out. I’m now in seach of those books and podcasts designed to help me FINISH said projects. I am such a great starter but am not quite sure how to pull all the work together and find a way to present it in a way that feels true to what I want it to be. Maybe 53 will be the year that skill finds its way into my toolbox.

I’m also shooting film and have loved being transported back to the first half of my life when that was the only option we had. I’ve pulled out old cameras, purchased one or two new/old beauties, and a few weeks ago was lent one of my darling Grampy’s camera’s. It’s the camera that he used to capture my dad and his sisters during their childhood. I’ve shot a roll and am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out. To think that he carried that camera with him everywhere and made photos of the people he loved makes the experience of using it precious to me. As many of you know he is the reason I began taking photos and it’s one of the many things that connected us. I wish he were here to ask the many questions I have for him.

I’m guessing it’s the camera he used to take this image of Grammy and I.


The Goods

I don’t know about you but I’m finding the world feels so heavy right now. And much of that heaviness is out of my control. In this season I’m learning that I need to focus on staying current with what's happening but also to let myself look for goodness and beauty at the same time. It’s difficult to hold both but I believe it’s imperative for our mental health to find balance in our day-to-day life when we can.

These are a few of the things that have brought me joy lately.

We finally got our building permits for our new island home! Now we can begin focusing on lining things up to start the build this coming spring. I loved what this couple created in their own build.

My FAVOURITE annual holiday fair is coming to Seattle in December and I think I will actually be in town for it. Renegade Craft Fair was something my eldest and I did every year when I lived in the states. Do you live in a city that hosts Renegade?

I LOVE soup season. This recipe by Ina Garten looks fabulous and will be added to our lunch menu regularly.

There are so many Instagram accounts that I find inspiration but there are a few that really capture what I want life to “feel” like moving forward. Do you follow Hilde Mork? I could get lost for days in her work.

Wishing you a wonderful November loves. Be well~


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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

An Old Love Revisited

Hello friends,

It’s been a minute. So many changes here on the island - Vancouver Island currently. We are in the planning stages to build on our new property on a little island further south. If this feels confusing, I understand. So many islands…

And there have been some big changes since we last connected.

As many of you know I have paused my work with clay as I no longer have a studio to work in. It’s given me the opportunity to pick up my camera and allowed me to begin making work that I’m really proud of. Last month I went to a photography retreat in the desert along with a number of really inspiring photographers from around the world. I learned a lot and was inspired to push myself outside of my comfort zone in certain areas of my photography.

At home I’ve been making photos for creatives who do beautiful work and I’ve loved telling their stories through photographs. I’m hoping to expand on that and work with more brands looking for editorial images to help them share their own stories with their customers. I believe there is so much value in connecting with the people who support your business. Allowing them to know you and understand your company’s values creates brand loyalty which creates a stronger relationship. If you or someone you know are looking for help telling your own story I’d love to connect. Feel free to reach out at


…a personal project

Making Home


All of this change has me thinking about home.

I have moved 21 times in my life. It has ingrained a deep desire in me to create home. A place that feels familiar and welcoming and safe.

I come from people who always had pride in their home but for whom, with one exception, home was not too precious. And that one exception? Plastic on the living room furniture in one of my grandparents homes.

{Can I get a show of hands as to how many of you experienced the “plastic covered sofa”? If you haven’t sat on one, in shorts, in the middle of a humid midwest summer, with no air conditioning, you really haven’t lived… }

When I think of home I think of my grandparents’ house. It was the place I felt the most comfortable throughout my entire childhood. What I felt inside those walls was what I envision the feeling of home is meant to be.

Recently I’ve decided to work on a personal project with the focus on homes. I’m still working out the details as to what it will look like and I have no idea what I will do with it all in the end, but for me, it’s about the value I find in the process.

Part of that project is starting a series of discussions with a few friends whom I admire for their ability to create home. To start we will be hosting them on Instagram live. My hope is that, through these informal discussions between friends, you will feel inspired to look at your own home with fresh eyes.

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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Spring Brings Change

I’d like to start by standing outdoors in the beautiful sunshine…

I’d like to start by standing outdoors in the beautiful sunshine and taking a few deep breaths of the gorgeous spring air that has finally arrived. We’ve waited so long for it this year and it’s a welcome change.

Speaking of change…

At 51 I am finally accepting that life is a journey- a series of chapters that continue to ebb and flow throughout our lifetime. As a child who moved continually for my first 20 years I dreamed of roots. Settling in to a place that I could call home. Forever. That was my plan and as anyone who knows me understands, I need a plan to feel comfortable. But it seems that my entire life has been a lesson in stepping towards what makes me uncomfortable and finding “home” there. And if I’ve learned anything over the past 51 years it is that I always land on my feet and I can make a home wherever it is I land.

With that in mind, there are changes on the horizon for Scott and I. I can’t share everything yet but I will tell you that we will be selling our fabulous little island property in the near future. For those of you who have asked- we are fine. We are more than fine actually- we are wonderful. And being in such a good space with him is the reason that I can even entertain this idea. Because he gives me a solid place to land no matter where we are. So with that said, we are moving on to our next chapter which we both know is exactly where we need to be.

So what does that mean for the pottery studio? Well, it means that it will be put on hold until we settle into our next space and can build something for me to work in. And while initially I was apprehensive about that, I am now seeing that it is opening a door into a space that I’ve been missing for some time. Until I can play with clay again, it gives me an opportunity to pick up my camera to make photos of more than just my pottery. And truly, I can’t tell you what that does for my heart. I am SO excited for the possibilities. I know that when I have a pottery studio set up again I will be excited to get back to work but right now, knowing that I will be able to spend time focusing on photography gives me a sense of stability amidst the changes that are coming.

So my hope is that I will find connections with makers, shop owners, or anyone who needs photographs for their business. I’ve missed capturing creatives at work, beautifully curated spaces, and of course travel photography- which I don’t anticipate is a part of this next chapter. But I am putting it all out into the universe and manifesting opportunities to capture beauty with my camera.

However, before we leave this wonderful chapter there will be one more pottery sale. I’ve got a number of things from the pottery tour and a few things that came out too late to add them to the shelves this past weekend. So I am busy photographing, measuring, and adding them to the online shop. Once they are there I will send out a newsletter with some preview photos and let you know when the shop will go live. And don’t worry- this isn’t the last update, simply the last one for a bit, while we search for our next place to call home. I’m really excited about that process.

With love,


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Kim Taylor Kim Taylor

Late Winter

It all begins with an idea.

February 23, 2022

While officially it is still winter, spring has been poking its head up lately. Gorgeous sunny days, some a bit cooler than others, have us ready to begin planning the gardens for the year. I’ve sorted my flower seeds as we now have a dedicated flower garden. I’ve been harvesting seeds for the past few years and at the end of last summer one of our wonderful neighbors sent me home with a number of seeds from their extensive gardens. Not only do I love cutting flowers from the garden for the house but this year I’m hoping to grow a few things to dry for tea as well as plants that lend well to making dye for fabrics. We also started our first indoor seeds this week – ground cherries. We’ve never grown them before and we’re excited to see how it goes. While I’ve never had them in our gardens, I certainly enjoy eating them!

Last year we started our orchard with a few apple and cherry trees, and nearby are our three fig trees. This year we need to decide where we are moving our raspberries as well as where we will plant the blueberries and strawberries. Thankfully Scott is wonderful with knowing what each plant needs and I’m happy to follow his lead on where things like that should go on the property.

As for our edible gardens, we are busy planning for this years layout and already buying seeds. One thing I can’t wait to participate in is our island’s seed exchange. People harvest their vegetable seeds and then share them with other island gardeners. Thus this year we are being very particular about which seeds we buy, making sure there are no GMOs so that all of our seeds can be harvested.

When it comes to vegetables we learned a lot last year. Lessons such as “grow no more than TWO zucchini plants and you will still probably get far more zucchini squash than you will need” or “you can NEVER plant too many pea vines” and also “you can definitely plant too many beans unless you plan to preserve them”. But that’s the gorgeous thing about gardening isn’t it- the endless lessons it teaches you through the years. This will be our third year gardening on the little island and with the new gardens Scott built this year we should be able to grow quite a lot of what we need for the summer.

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