The Grow Hope Foundation

Nearly ten years ago Dr. Isaac Lufafa and I asked the question “what would happen if we shared knowledge?”. That question, discussed in a children’s hospital in Uganda was the start of The Grow Hope Foundation and Tusubira Village. Over these ten years we have empowered hundreds if not thousands of women in rural Uganda. We do that through education, mentorship, modeling, and friendship. We aren’t an aid-based organization because the women we work with need skills and tools more than they need aid. We have seen the women who have worked with us- some for the entire ten years do incredible things. Businesses have been started and grown, children have been sent to school, the health of their homes have improved remarkably. And the secondary effect has been that many of these women have gone on to then empower other women in their lives.

Through the work of Dr. Isaac and Sharon Natugga, Isaac's wife and our social worker, the women we work with have drastically changed their own lives. Education is something you can’t take away from someone. Knowledge is power and one of the easiest things to share. The route we chose may not be the easiest one but we feel it has been the one with the most impact.

We are always looking for people to join our small but mighty team who supports this work, either as a monthly donor or as a one time donation. We work on a very limited budget and those who donate $5, $10, or $100 a month are the reason we continue this work today. While we are working on a sustainability model for the team in Uganda, we aren’t quite there yet. So if you want to learn more there is a link below or you can visit



